Covid-19 and Communities

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Data sources

Sales data: Provided by Imfoco

  • The data provided represents total sales linked to geo-tagged consumer-facing merchant IDs for active debit card customers in England and Wales. It accounts for between 12%-27% of consumer spending in a specific area; so although not fully representative of the full sales universe, does give us a good indication of changes in spending patterns.
  • Imfoco compiles, cleans and adds to consumer transaction spend raw data from 6 different card and bank sources. They have transactional data on spend by customer through card and online types (including direct debits).
  • The bank data for Northern Ireland has not been included as one of the key bank data sources, RBS, has much smaller representation in that region. Thus our sample size for sales data is very small for NI, and not available for all areas. In order to ensure robustness of the data provided, we have then chosen not to reflect sales data points for this region
  • The sales data reflected in the map shows spending for the month of April 2020 period, compared to spending levels in April 2019.


  • The data at local area can be influenced by the presence of a big merchant, and as a result, some local economic sales changes might be reflecting particular losses or gains made by individual merchants – for example Amazon HQ is in Hoxton East & Shoreditch.

Jobs at risk dataset: Provided by OCSI

  • The ONS Business Impact of Coronavirus Survey (BICS) includes data on the furloughing of workers across UK businesses between March 23 to April 5, 2020.
  • This data includes responses from businesses that were either still trading or had temporarily paused trading. The figures are summarised in this table.
  • This data has been mapped against the industrial composition of jobs for LSOAs, MSOAs and Local Authorities to estimate exposure to labour market risks associated with COVID-19.
  • Information on local jobs by industry is taken from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) 2018 open access data – with breakdowns by Industry Sections (which match against the ONS Industrial classifications).

Further detail on OCSI’s full methodology and analysis: OCSI Labour markets at Risk: Data and analysis

Vulnerability index data: Provided by the British Red Cross

Designed and developed by Matt Thomas and Ellen Gordon at the British Red Cross. With contributions from